Strengthen Your Marriage through the Power of Prayer! As Christians, we understand the importance of prayer in our lives. But have you considered the impact it can have on your marriage? Prayer is not just a tool for personal growth but also Read More

What Message Are You Sending?

HAVE YOU EVER said something you assumed was innocent and simple, but it caused a major blow-up with your partner — leaving you totally confused? If not, consider yourself lucky … because many of us have.

The Sweetness of Submission

SUBMISSION IS A WORD THAT CAN CHANGE THE MOOD of many who have been hurt, abused, misused, or disrespected. Submission defined through a warped cultural perspective can (and has) caused damage within some marriages. To get a proper view of submission in a marriage, we must first look at Scripture.

4 Ways to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

MARRIAGE IS HARD WORK, but so is anything worth fighting for. “People work hard on their finances … they work hard on their education … they work hard on their career …

10 Ways to Reduce Marital Conflict

CONFLICT IS AN INEVITABLE PART of marriage. As imperfect people, we will always have differences with others — and we may not always handle them well.

Make Sure He Knows How You Feel

IT WAS A FRIDAY NIGHT, much like any other night during our third year of marriage. The light from the kitchen spilled into our family room as we watched yet another action movie

Save Your Marriage

MARRIAGE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL, but it’s tough. Yeah, romance is nice – but when real-life challenges arrive, too few couples survive. So, what’s the key to saving your marriage?

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